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Get Your Emails Noticed With MailChimp

Email, the most commonly used method of communication over the past several years, has become boring over time. Many professionals and students can easily picture the last email that they received from a supervisor - and that isn't because the email was compelling. It's easy to imagine a block of text. The problem with the "block of text" style of emailing is simple: it's hard to remember the specifics of a message if the information is not presented in a compelling style.

MailChimp makes emailing more interesting for users. What is MailChimp? MailChimp is a free email service for up to six thousand emails per month, which is no small feat in the modern workforce. MailChimp allows users to send template-based emails with images, colors, and links to external sites to provide further information relating to the email. Anyone who opens the message will view it as an HTML-based email, allowing all email services to access the images provided. The attractive nature of the email encourages users to regularly read through the message, and encourages full readership, rather than mindless browsing for particular phrases or words in the email.

To make the service even more beneficial to employers, professors, and supervisors, MailChimp has the ability to track which users open emails, and which links they follow in the email message. No more are the days where employees and students can claim that they did not receive an email or that it was not read. In addition, MailChimp monitors which links are clicked on, providing senders the ability to re-evaluate the order in which information is presented to obtain optimal efficiency. As "icing on the cake", so to speak, MailChimp is also able to integrate with Twitter and Facebook, making it the most advantageous email provider for supervisors, professors, and employers.

MailChimp is the email of the future - designed to integrate social networking, powerful imagery, and the most favorable feedback option for senders. A cost-effective method to reach a large number of people has finally made its way into the workplace and educational realm, and not a moment too soon.