If you own a clothing business, the clever use of mannequins can greatly increase your sales. Select a few mannequins that will appeal to your target market, dress them in attractive outfits, and display them in your shop window. This appealing window display will attract the attention of new and previous customers.
Inside your clothing store, a few strategically placed mannequins dressed in a stylish way will inspire your customers to replicate the look by buying a whole new outfit. Do not be afraid to complement your mannequin’s clothing with matching accessories. This is an excellent way of selling more items, as a customer may not immediately notice that a certain scarf co-ordinates very well with a particular top, for example.
Change the clothing and accessories worn by your mannequins often, so that customers are continually inspired by the many possible ways of wearing the garments and accessories in your store. This is especially important at the change of the seasons, so that customers are encouraged to buy new and fashionable clothing to suit the new weather conditions.
Mannequins are a worthwhile investment that will help to increase your sales for many years to come.